If you do get the correct syntax here, you'll end up with two instances of your PDF viewer instead of just the one.

Whatever you do, do not uncomment the bit it tells you to if you want to use some other PDF viewer the `run' line causes the dialog box to appear with your error message. It is known for its speed and lightness, making it ideal for users who need to quickly read PDF. I've just added the Sumatra bit, which works fine. Foxit PDF Reader is a widely used PDF file reader software. The bit about Foxit should already be there if not, just copy it from here. ShellExecute("Open", "%N.pdf","","%P",1) Desktop Entry NameFoxit Reader 5 CommentRead and annotate pdf files Exec/.wine/Foxit5 f Icon/.icons/Foxit.png Terminalfalse TypeApplication. to be associated with pdf files uncomment the following: If you prefer some other application (eg.